Current Solicitations and Results
St. Mary's County Metropolitan Commission
Contract Title Download Solicitation Documents from eMaryland Marketplace Bid Number Description Pre-Bid Bid Opening # of Addenda Issued Bid Tabulation Award
(Click to view Brief Description) Date & Time Date & Time Intent to Award
Right of Way Recovery Clearing, Maintenance, and Pesticide Application BPM048727 25-12-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for Right of Way (ROW) Recovery and Clearing. The work to be performed under the contract consists of furnishing labor, service equipment, and materials to remove all vegetative growth, trash, and debris on properties (sewer and water line Rights of Way and Easements) located throughout St. Mary’s County, Maryland. A Commercial Business License for Right of Way and Weed Control as certified by the Maryland Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Regulations Section are required. This certification can be held by the Bidder, or a Subcontractor. 3/19/25 3:00 PM 3/5/25 10:00 AM 0    
Water Storage Tower and Tank Pressure Washing BPM048210 RFQ-2025-05-O The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) is soliciting quotes for all labor, materials, equipment, profit and overhead, and means and methods to perform exterior high pressure water cleaning (3,000 – 4,000 PSI) on three (3) water storage towers and one (1) standpipe.  2/5/25 10:00 AM 3/13/25 3:00 PM 2    
Fire Hydrant Painting   25-09-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently seeking bids for the painting of fire hydrants. The work includes cleaning of the area around the base of the hydrant, cleaning, preparation and painting of the hydrant. None 2/13/25 3:00 PM 1 Results Notice of Intent
Water and Sewer Rate Study Services   25-06-A MetCom is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants to provide a comprehensive study of water and sewer utility rates that will ensure the financial health and stability of the utilities while appropriately allocating costs among the customers.  currently serves approximately 18,000 water and sewer customers. All proposals must include the development of an appropriate utility rate structure, provide a rate setting model, project rates for the next five (5) years beginning July 01, 2026, and show modeling for a period of up to 10 years.  The study must be completed by August 30, 2025.  None 1/22/25 3:00 PM 2 Results Notice of Intent
HVAC Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services   25-05-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for providing Preventative Maintenance (PM) and Repair Services for thirty-one (31) indoor and outdoor HVAC Units at four Commission facilities located in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. None 11/19/24 2:00 PM 2 Results All Bids Rejected
Mechanics Trucks with Service Cranes   25-07-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for the provision of liquefied Chlorine Gas in 150-pound cylinders to be used in the treatment of wastewater. Estimated annual usage is 100 cylinders. The cylinders will be delivered to the Marlay Taylor Water Reclamation Facility located at 48020 Pine Hill Run Road, Lexington Park, Maryland. None 11/19/24 3:00 PM 2 Results Notice of Intent
Chlorine Gas - 150 Pound Cylinders   25-04-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for the provision of liquefied Chlorine Gas in 150-pound cylinders to be used in the treatment of wastewater. Estimated annual usage is 100 cylinders. The cylinders will be delivered to the Marlay Taylor Water Reclamation Facility located at 48020 Pine Hill Run Road, Lexington Park, Maryland. None 10/30/24 3:00 PM 0 Results JCI Jones Chemicals, Incorporated
Water Distribution Service Saddle Replacement Project   25-03-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting for bids for the replacement of water distribution service saddles and copper lines around Golf Course Drive and Pine Court located in Mechanicsville, Maryland. 10/02/2024 10:00 AM 10/24/24 3:00 PM 1 Results Stormwater Management Solutions, LLC
Sodium Hypochlorite   25-01-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for the purchase and delivery of Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCI) to be delivered to various water pumping station sites located in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. None 10/2/24 3:00 PM 1 Results Amato Industries, Incorporated/AMCOR
Joint Solicitation with Saint Mary's County Government:
F.D.R. Boulevard - Phase 3B, LOT 2 - Water Main Construction
  Solcitation Number:
St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission – Lot 2 Water Main Construction Joint Solicitation Joint Solicitation Joint Solicitation Joint Solicitation Great Mills Trading Post Company, Incorporated
Pest Control Services   RFQ 2025-02-O St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) is requesting unit price quotes from qualified to perform general pest control services (including ants) at our LKP, Admin and Engineering buildings as outlined below. Additionally, we are requesting general pest control (including ants) and rodent prevention at our MTWRF Building and Lab Building. None 8/6/24 3:00 PM 0 Results Guardian Pest Control Services
Armored Car Services   RFQ 2025-01-A St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) is requesting price quotes from experienced and qualified vendors to provide Armored Car Services twice weekly. None 7/23/24 3:00 PM 0   Quotes Under Review
Construction Stone Delivery   RFQ 2024-07-C St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) is requesting price quotes for Construction materials to be delivery on an as-needed basis. The contract period will commence upon approval by the Commission and execution of the services agreement None 6/5/24 3:00 PM 0 Results Sloan Materials, LLC
Fuel Oil   24-06-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for the provision of low sulfur diesel fuel and #2 heating fuel, to be delivered to various water and wastewater pumping stations and wastewater treatment facilities in St. Mary's County.  Pricing is also required for repair service for a small boiler and heating system located at the Marlay-Taylor Water Reclamation Facility.   None 5/7/24 3:00 PM 1 Results Burch Oil Company, Incorporated
MD 247 Loveville Road Water Main Replacement - Phase 1   24-05-C The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting for bids on the MD 247 Loveville Road Water Main Replacement – Phase 1 project. Construction work for Phase 1 will occur on Loveville Road, MD 247, from 26370 Loveville Road southwest to Independence Drive, along Independence Drive to King Drive, Weber St, and a temporary connection on Barnes Ct in Loveville, Maryland 20656 as shown on the Contract Plans. 3/12/24 10:00 AM 4/10/24 3:00 PM 2 Results Stormwater Management Solutions, LLC
Propane Services   24-04-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for the provision of HD5 Grade Propane and for repairs to propane HVAC systems. This is an Indefinite Quantity Contract. Propane would be delivered on an automatic plan to various facilities owned and operated by the Commission. All facilities are located in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. The estimated annual usage of propane for all sites is eight thousand (8,000) gallons. None 3/27/24 3:00 PM 1 Results Taylor Gas Company
Septage hauling Services   24-03-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for the provision of labor and equipment to clean and pump wastewater pumping stations and sewer lines which are owned and operated by the Commission. All Commission facilities are located in St. Mary’s County. It is the intent of this Contract that the required services be utilized for emergencies, disasters, and routine service calls. 2/13/24 10:00 AM 2/27/24 3:00 PM 1 Results Cullison Excavating LLC

Outback Porta Jan, Inc.

AB&H Excavating, Inc.
Water Storage Tower and Tank Pressure Washing   RFQ-2024-05-O The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) is soliciting quotes for all labor, materials, equipment, profit and overhead, and means and methods to perform high pressure water cleaning (3,000 – 4,000 PSI) on four (4) water storage towers and tanks. 1/4/24 10:00 AM 1/18/24 3:00 PM 1 Results Nostos SS Contractors, LLC
Dumpster Services   24-02-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is seeking a Contractor to provide dumpsters and removal services for trash and recyclable material to seven (7) facilities owned by the Commission. Contractors are required to provide and maintain containers of various sizes and to collect trash and recyclable material on a weekly or twice weekly basis, dependent on the needs of the facility and as outlined in this solicitation. None 12/12/23 3:00 PM 1 Results M&R Contracting Services, Incorporated
Bay Ridge Well
Project No. 8091WL
  23-16-C The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting for bids on a new 700 GPM
production well, well house, and chlorine disinfection system in the Bay Ridge Estates Subdivision.
The treated potable water will
be distributed to the existing water system without any onsite storage.
6/28/23 9:00 AM 8/8/23 3:00 PM 2 Results Schummer, Incorporated
Free Chlorine Reagent Sets   23-17-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for the procurement of Free Chlorine Reagent Sets for use in Hach CL17 Free Chlorine Analyzers.  The Sets must be compatible with Hach CL17 Free Chlorine Analyzers.  Delivery costs must be included in the bid price. None 6/21/23 3:00 PM 0 Results Ferguson Enterprises LLC dba Pollardwater
Water and Wastewater Utility Locating Services    23-15-E The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is requesting bids from qualified, knowledgeable, and skilled companies to provide private utility locating services. All services must be provided in accordance with Miss Utility of Maryland and all laws governing the locating and marking of underground facilities, including but not limited to the Annotated Code of Maryland, Public Utilities Article (PUA), Title 12, 12-101, et. Seq. or any subsequent revision. The Contractor will be required to interact with the Maryland Miss Utility One Call Center to receive and review ticket requests and then to perform the locating and marking of all St. Mary’s County water and wastewater system components, including mains and laterals, located within County rights-of-way and/or easements under District Codes 03-SMMC01 for both normal working hours and emergency requests. None 6/8/23 3:00 PM 0 Results Maryland Broadband Cooperative, Incorporated
Laboratory Services   23-13-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is soliciting bids for the provision of services including monitoring, transporting, analyzing and reporting of water and wastewater samples from Commission owned facilities.  Bidders will be required to perform testing in accordance with all Federal, State and Local requirements. None 3/2/23 3:00 PM 0 Results Martel Laboratories JDS, Incorporated
Generator PM and Repair Services   23-09-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for Generator PM and Repair Services. The scope of this contract consists of: (a) providing annual inspection, preventive maintenance service, and any necessary routine or emergency repairs of generators and pump around systems equipment located at various sites in St. Mary’s County, Maryland and; (b) the rental of portable generators and associated equipment for scheduled service and emergency situations.  1/31/23 10:00 AM 2/28/23 3:00 PM 2 Results Kelly Generator & Equipment, Incorporated
Water Tank Inspection Services   23-11-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is soliciting bids for Inspection Services for elevated potable water towers and ground storage tanks. There are two types of inspections required under this contract: initial inspections to determine the condition of the tank’s interior, exterior, foundation and accessories, and; inspection services during painting and repairs of tanks.  None 2/1/23 3:00 PM 0 Results Dxon Engineering, Incorporated
Bond Counsel   23-10-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is requesting proposals for from legal firms to provide bond counsel support. The Commission sells bonds to the Maryland Department of the Environment Water Quality Finance Administration, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Local Government Infrastructure Program and on occasion, the public market. It is anticipated that up to four issues or loan closings will be made annually, each ranging in value from several hundred thousand to several hundred million dollars, with varying levels of bond counsel support, with some closings requiring no support at all. Proceeds will be utilized to fund utility infrastructure construction projects. None 1/26/23 3:00 PM 0 Results Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, LLP
Emergency Repair and Scheduled Construction   23-07-C The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for the provision of repair and construction services to water and wastewater facilities.  The Contract consists of two parts; Part A consists of the provision of labor, equipment and material to provide on-call emergency services and Part B consists of the provision of labor, equipment and material to perform scheduled maintenance, repair, modifications and minor construction projects.    12/13/22 10:00 AM 1/4/23 3:00 PM 1 Results AB&H Excavating, Incorporated

Great Mills Trading Post Company

Hollywood Contracting, LLC
Well and Pump Service and Repairs    23-08-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for Well and Pump Service and Repairs. The scope of this contract consists of furnishing all labor, service equipment, and materials necessary to inspect, televise, repair, replace and test wells and pumps at various water pumping station sites located in St. Mary’s County that are owned and operated by the Commission. This contract shall also encompass the removal of well pumps from the wells and reinstalling same. Redevelopment and testing of the wells shall also be considered a normal function under this contract.  The Commission currently owns and is responsible for sixty nine (70) wells. 11/29/22 1:00 PM 12/8/22 2:00 PM 1 Results A.C. Schultes of Maryland, Incorporated
Greenbrier Water Storage Tank, Project No. 8161WT   23-06-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting for bids for the installation of a new 218,000 gallon water storage tank, yard piping, storm water management, sediment and erosion control, 500 GPM booster pumping station and piping and valves inside the water station, and electrical and SCADA upgrades to the pumping station in Lexington Park, Maryland.  The Work site is located at 47314 Green Leaf Road, Lexington Park, Maryland. 11/15/22 9:00 AM 12/8/22 3:00 PM 2 Results Johnston Construction Company
Biomonitoring and Toxic Chemical Testing   23-05-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for firms to provide a biomonitoring and toxic chemical study plan, sample containers, shipping coolers, analysis, and quality control data and reporting of results as required by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). All work and data required is governed by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permit issued to the Marlay-Taylor Wastewater Reclamation Facility (MTWRF) located in Lexington Park, Maryland. None 11/22/22 3:00 PM 1   No Bids Received
Water Storage Tank Painting and Repairs   23-03-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is soliciting bids for all labor, materials, equipment, and means to perform painting and maintenance on three water storage tanks. Work is to include surface preparation, containment, painting of the interiors and exteriors, installation of equipment, and the performance of various repairs. 10/19/22 9:00 AM 11/2/22 3:00 PM 1 Results Nostos SS Contractors, LLC
King Kennedy Water System Replacement - Ground Storage Tank & Water Booster Station
Project # 3-1-W
  23-04-C The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting for bids on King Kennedy Water System Replacement – Ground Storage Tank & Water Booster Station Project.  The site on which the construction work is to be done is 40725 King Drive, Mechanicsville, MD 20659. 10/17/22 9:00 AM 11/15/22 3:00 PM 2 Results Johnston Construction Company
Electrical Services   23-01-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for the provision of electrical services for repairs, modifications, improvements and installations, consisting of labor, permits, equipment and material required for performing electrical improvements and maintenance to Commission facilities. None 9/22/22 2:00 PM 1 Results Ryce Electric, LLC

Larry's Acquisition, LLC DBA Larry's Electric, LLC
Town Creek Water System Replacement Phase 2
Project #8161WL
  23-02-C The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting for bids on the Town Creek Manor Water System Replacement – Phase 2 project. The site on which the construction work for Phase 2 is to be done on Maple Dr from south of Elm Ct north to the end, Kristi Lynn Ct, Laurel Haven Way, Cratchet Ln, Hickory Ln, Bobs Ct, Hollow Ln, Red Oak Rd, Spruce Dr from Maple Dr to Chestnut Dr, and Chestnut Dr north of Spruce Dr in Lexington Park, Maryland 20653, including connecting to Phase 1 water mains in Chestnut Dr and Spruce Dr, as shown on the Sheet 2 of the Contract Plans. 9/6/22 9:00 AM 9/21/22 3:00 PM 1 Results Gradient Construction, LLC
Shangri-La and South Essex Drive Waterline Replacement, Phase 1 Project #8171WR and Shangri-La Drive to Colony Square Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Project #8131SR   22-13-C The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting for bids for Project #8171WR for the installation of 8” water main along Shangri-La Drive from Route 235 to FDR Blvd intersection, including replacement of all fire hydrants and transfer of all water services from the existing water main to the new main; and Project #8131SR for the replacement of 8” and 36” sewer mains and rehabilitation of 30” existing sewer main. 6/8/22 9:00 AM 6/22/22 3:00 PM 2 Results Sagres Construction Company
Grinder Pump Replacement Services   22-09-F The scope of this Contract includes the installation of new sewage grinder pumps in a low pressure sewer system. The Contractor would be responsible for all aspects of removing the existing pump and vault, installing the new pump including installing the new vault, reconnecting to the existing service line and pressure main, installing or replacing electrical conduit and wiring, and connecting the control panel to the grinder pump component. Grinder pumps will be installed at various residential locations throughout St. Mary’s County, Maryland. 5/3/22 2:00 PM 5/17/22 3:00 PM 1 Results Schummer, Incorporated
Potable Water Tanker Services   22-12-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for the provision of potable water tanker services to various sites located in St. Mary's County during scheduled outages, emergency situations and disaster conditions as necessary. None 4/21/22 3:00 PM 0 Results Cullins Trucking, Inc.
Vehcile Maintenance and Repairs Services   22-10-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for the removal of all contents and cleaning of one anaerobic digester.  Work to be performed under this Contract consists of furnishing of all equipment, superintendence, labor, skill material and all other items necessary for the removal, transport and disposal of digester contents and cleaning of the digester vessel.   None 4/19/22 3:00 PM 2 Results JGC Leonardtown, LLC t/a Chesldine Tire & Auto, LLC

Cheseldine Tire & Auto, LLC
Grounds Maintenance   22-11-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (Commission) is currently soliciting Bids for Grounds Maintenance.  The work to be performed under the contract consists of furnishing labor, service equipment, and materials for the grounds maintenance of the water and sewer facilities located in St. Mary’s County that are owned and operated by the Commission.  Contractors submitting a bid must comply with the Maryland Department of Agriculture Commercial Pesticide Regulations for Right of Way and Weed Control.  The Commission currently has approximately one hundred twenty seven (127) sites requiring grounds maintenance services. 3/17/22 10:00 AM 3/31/22 3:00 PM 1 Results Honey Cove Lawn Care, LLC
Anaerobic Digester Cleaning   22-08-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for the removal of all contents and cleaning of one anaerobic digester.  Work to be performed under this Contract consists of furnishing of all equipment, superintendence, labor, skill material and all other items necessary for the removal, transport and disposal of digester contents and cleaning of the digester vessel.   3/15/22 10:00 AM 3/29/22 3:00 PM 2 Results Synagro Central LLC
Cross Connectiion Control Survey and Management   22-07-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for services for a Cross-Connection Compliance Program which includes surveys and site visits for all facilities not previously surveyed, current facilities, and any new facilities, management and monitoring of annual testing of the backflow prevention assemblies at all facilities, creation and maintenance of facility and cross-connection control data bases, and preparation of quarterly and annual management and cross-connection reports. The Contractor shall also assist Metcom in providing general awareness information to the public and shall provide on-going support as required. None 3/3/22 3:00 PM 1 Results Hydro Designs, Incorporated DBA HydroCorp
Sulfur Dioxide   22-06-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for the provision of Sulfur Dioxide to be provided in 150 lb. cylinders to be delivered to the Marlay-Taylor Water Reclamation Facility located at 48020 Pine Hill Run Road, Lexington Park, MD 20653.   Any delivery or transportation charges must be included in the unit bid price. None 2/17/22 3:00 PM 1 Results Univar Solutions USA, Incorporated
Polymer   22-03-F The scope of this contract consists of providing polymer and all necessary service equipment and materials required for delivery.  The polymer is to be utilized to successfully condition the facility’s anaerobically digested sludge prior to dewatering by using Fournier Rotary Presses, the Gravity Belt Thickening process, and settling in the BioMag® process at the Marlay-Taylor Water Reclamation Facility (MTWRF), owned by the Commission located at 48020 Pine Hill Run Road, Lexington Park, Maryland 20653.   None 2/22/22 2:00 PM 3 Results Polydyne, Incorporated
Ferric Chloride   22-02-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for the purchase and delivery of ferric chloride to be used in the treatment of wastewater. Delivery shall be made to the Marlay-Taylor Water Reclamation Facility, located at 48020 Pine Hill Run Road, Lexington Park, Maryland. Delivery must be included in the unit Bid price. None 1/11/22 3:00 PM 0 Results Kemira Water Solutions, Inc.

PVS Technologies, Inc.
Marlay Taylor WRF Secondary Clarifier No. 1 Replacement, Project #8191SR   22-04-C The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting for bids on replacement of the Secondary Clarifier No. 1 at the Marlay-Taylor Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). 12/1/21 9:00 AM 1/6/22 3:00 PM 4 Results Johnston Construction Company
Biosolids Hauling and Disposal   22-01-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for hauling and disposing of biosolids to agricultural land permitted for biosolids application and landfill disposal. Unit costs are required for disposal of both Class B and non-Class B biosolids.  Classification of biosolids is determined by the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) requirements.  Approximately 5,500 tons of wet biosolids is disposed of annually. None 8/17/21 3:00 PM 2 Results Recyc Systems, Inc.
Legal Services   21-14-A The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is requesting proposals from qualified and experienced attorneys for general legal services on a contractual basis. Qualified attorneys will serve as General Counsel to the Executive Director, Commission Board members, and administrative staff by providing legal counsel and advice and performing all general legal services necessary for the operation of the public water and sewer utility.  General Counsel will also be responsible for coordinating and supervising fee attorneys periodically retained by the Commission for specialized legal services. None 8/5/21 3:00 PM 2 Results RC Beaver & Associates, P.C.
Compensation Consulting Services   21-12-A St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) is a quasi-governmental, non-profit entity that provides water and sewer service to the citizens of St. Mary’s County, Maryland. MetCom is seeking proposals from qualified firms to review and update its current job classifications and conduct a salary and compensation study. None 6/22/21 3:00 PM 1 Results Frank & Associates, Incorporated
Custodial Services   21-11-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for Right of Way (ROW) Recovery and Clearing.  The work to be performed under the contract consists of furnishing labor, service equipment, and materials to remove all vegetative growth, trash and debris on properties (sewer and water line Rights of Way and Easements) located in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. None 5/13/21 3:00 PM 1 Results RMT Services
Right of Way Recovery Clearing and Maintenance   21-09-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for Right of Way (ROW) Recovery and Clearing.  The work to be performed under the contract consists of furnishing labor, service equipment, and materials to remove all vegetative growth, trash and debris on properties (sewer and water line Rights of Way and Easements) located in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. None 3/4/21 3:00 PM 1 Results DBI Services, LLC
Engineering Services   21-10-E The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is requesting proposals from professional engineering firms for the provision of general engineering services. Services include but are not limited to professional engineering evaluation, design and inspection services including environmental, geotechnical, water and wastewater systems, project management, cost estimating, construction engineering and inspection, and bidding services. None 3/10/21 3:00 PM 2 Results AECOM Technical Services;
CH2M Engineers, Inc.;
Dewberry Consultants, LLC;
Rummell, Klepper & Kahl, LLP;
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
Maintenance Truck with Crane   21-08-F The scope of this Contract consists of providing a Ford Super Duty F550 19,500 GVW or equal truck chassis (typical “or equals” would be Chevrolet/GMC 5500 or Dodge 5500 chassis), model year 2020 or newer. The truck shall include a Palfinger PCB 39-11CS, a Palfinger model PSC 5025 telescopic service Crane, and towing package. None 1/12/21 3:00 PM 1 Results Lindsay Ford, LLC
Fire Hydrant Painting   21-07-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently seeking bids for the painting of fire hydrants. The work includes cleaning of the area around the base of the hydrant, cleaning, preparation and painting of the hydrant. None 12/22/20 3:00 PM 1 Results ESG Hydrant Services
HVAC Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services   21-06-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for providing Preventative Maintenance (PM) and Repair Services for twenty-eight (28) indoor and outdoor HVAC Units at four Commission facilities located in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. None 10/29/20 1:00 PM 3 Results Hancock Refrigeration Company, Inc.
Chlorine Gas - 150 Pound Cylinders   21-05-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) is currently soliciting bids for the provision of liquefied Chlorine Gas in 150-pound cylinders to be used in the treatment of wastewater. Estimated annual usage is 100 cylinders. The cylinders will be delivered to the Marlay Taylor Water Reclamation Facility located at 48020 Pine Hill Run Road, Lexington Park, Maryland. None 10/1/20 2:00 PM 0 Results JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc.
Sodium Hypochlorite   21-02-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for the purchase and delivery of Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCI) to be delivered to various water pumping station sites located in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. None 8/25/20 1:00 PM 1 Results Amato Industries, Inc.
Construction Building Renovation   21-04-C The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is soliciting proposals from qualified Contractors for the design and renovation of a 50 foot by 60 foot ‘Butler’ style metal Construction Building. Proposals will be evaluated based on experience, financial standing, qualifications, and price. 8/5/20 10:00 AM 9/8/20 3:00 PM 3 Results W.M. Davis, Inc.
St. Clement Shores Water System Replacement, Phase 2   21-01-C The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting for bids on the replacement of the St. Clement Shores Water System, Phase 2. The water system within the St. Clement Shores subdivision was originally constructed in the 1950s and requires replacement. The project will include the replacement of approximately 10,400 linear feet of water line with a new water system comprised of 12-inch, 8-inch, 6-inch and 4-inch water mains. Increased depth of pipe burial, ample isolation valves, sixteen (16) fire hydrants, appurtenances and associated restoration are also included in the design to provide a more reliable system. 7/28/20 10:00 AM 8/25/20 2:00 PM 2 Results  ECM Corporation
Contingent upon funding apprvoal
10,000 Gallon Hydro Pneumatic Water Tanks   20-03-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for the purchase of three (3) new, unused 10,000-gallon hydro pneumatic water tanks for potable water. FOB Delivery and manufacturer’s warranties must be included in the Bid Price. None 12/14/19 3:00 PM 1 Results Dixie Tank
Hickory Hills Water Tower and Well   19-20-C The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting for bids on construction of a 2,000,000 gallon composite water tower.  Additional work includes construction of a new well house, with pump controls, disinfection equipment, metering equipment, and telemetry equipment, to be located within the water tower supporting column, and supply of a diesel generator for standby power.  Construction of a new 700 GPM double cased well into the Patapsco Aquifer will be completed as part of this Bid, and will include integration of the new 700 GPM well into the water station telemetry and control system.  Upon acceptance of the new water tower, water supply well and water station, and relocation of cellular telephone service currently installed on the existing water tower (by others), demolition of the existing water tower is included under this Contract. 5/29/19 10:00 AM 7/10/19 2:00 PM 3 Results CBI, LLC
Customer Billing   19-16-A The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting bids for the outsourcing of customer utility billing.  The contract includes printing and mailing of approximately 17,500 – 18,500 bills per month.  The contractor will be responsible for all aspects of preparing the invoices for printing, preparing for mailing including inserting a return envelope with the invoice and transporting the invoices to the post office for mailing. The Commission will provide the customer invoice data in an electronic format.       None 5/2/19 3:00 PM 1 Results Touchpoint Customer Communications
Anaerobic Digester Cleaning   19-15-F The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission is currently soliciting Bids for the removal of all contents and cleaning of one anaerobic digester.  Work to be performed under this Contract consists of furnishing of all equipment, superintendence, labor, skill material and all other items necessary for the removal, transport and disposal of digester contents and cleaning of the digester vessel.   2/19/19 10:00 AM 3/14/19 3:00 PM 3 Results Synagro Central LLC
Hunting Quarter Well #1 Replacement   8191WW Construct a production well, and connect it to the existing water system. Work includes, but is not limited to: installation of pilot well and  roduction well, all piping, plumbing, electrical, instrumentation and controls work required to connect the new well to the existing system. 9/5/18 10:00 AM 9/25/18 2:00 PM 1 Results A.C. Schultes of Maryland, Inc.
King Kennedy Water System Replacement, Phase 1, Production Well   3-1-W Construct a second production well, and connect it to the existing water system. Work includes, but is not limited to: installation of pilot well and production well, all piping, plumbing, electrical, instrumentation and controls work required to connect the new well to the existing system. 9/5/18 10:00 AM 9/25/18 2:00 PM 1 Results A.C. Schultes of Maryland, Inc.
Enterprise Resource Planning Software   17-20-A ERP software to replace the existing Sungard Naviline system.  General ledger, purchasing, inventory, procurement card, accounts receivable, accounts payable, utility billing, payroll, etc.   2/15/17 3:00 PM     Edmonds and Associates